Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Introducing Me ...

Hi, I am a 40 something woman, (just between us who is closer to 50 than 40 ... sigh), who really doesn't like salads or veggies. I eat them begrudgingly, mostly so the kids eat theirs, but seriously eating salad doesn't come easy to me. I don't enjoy it that much.

On the other hand give me some meat, dairy and breads and I'd be so happy I'd fart fairy dust!

I have recently realised that when a woman gets to a certain age ... ahem ... that certain parts start to droop and aches and pains and illnesses that you used to laugh about in old people aren't so funny anymore ... (how can getting out of bed hurt? ... but some days my aching back) ... and that unless I start doing something now then I am not going to age shall we say, gracefully!

So a few months back I started a journey into Raw Foods. Anyone who knows me well is probably, laughing their tiny, firm bottoms off at the thought of me trying to eat Raw. Don't get me wrong, whilst I applaud vegetarians and vegans, bacon and I go along way back and I think it would simply be rude to cut all ties between myself and meats. In fact the meat industry could go into decline, so it wont be a total emergence at this stage. I simply thought if I could incorporate some fresh raw foods into my diet and eat a lot less meat, dairy and bread (I could eat them for every meal) then I should improve my health and at the same time weight.

So anyway I thought I would document my journey and share some recipes and healthy information that I learn and try along the way. Feel free to add offer advice and any tips ... as I say I am new to this, so it's a journey of discovery.

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