Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 2 of that Darn Detox!

Well surprisingly I didn't feel too bad upon rising this morning. No tummy pains or bloating.

I had my hot water with lemon drink, which I really like. I simply could NOT face that green juice again so cheated and made my own version. I really like juices and smoothies but am not yet a fan of the green drinks ... blah!

Didn't need to have anything for morning tea so didn't bother. Am drinking water like a sailor gone without ale for a long voyage. If I lose any weight it will be because of the million trips to the loo to pee!

For lunch I had a similar lunch to yesterday but today I added some tomato because I ran out of avocado. Tomato is not good for a detox but it wont kill me.

Had a lovely herbal tea in the arvo, because the afternoon horrors hit me ... it did squat! I have to do something about them. They are shockers, honestly I could bite the arse out of a low flying duck I am so hungry. Is it my mind, is it my sugar level, no idea but I know I can't survive to dinner time unless I start having at 4pm! I ended up taking a handful of nuts. Maybe I should have had a piece of fruit instead, who knows. They suggest eating something else on the list, like a green vomit smoothie, another salad or some of the soup. I cannot stand repetitive foods - am finding it hard enough to eat salads two days in a row!

For dinner I am going to eat a regular meal, I am thinking the detox is not for me. My reaction has been too severe for me to cope with when I still need to function for the kids. If I could have put myself to bed when needed then possibly it would have been OK but trying to cook a meal when I am just about passing out I would not recommend. I am going to try and continue with the brekkie and lunch suggestions though and be more conscious of what I have for dinner.

For dinner we had Mexican. I had wraps with some cooked chicken and salad in them. I have to say that I ate less than I normally would as I was completely stuffed. They were really yummy too and I was tempted but I just couldn't face eating anymore so that's good. Later in the evening I did feel slightly bloated and sore in the belly. Is it the wheat product, or the meat I wonder?

Exercise was also recommended to make you feel better ... they had to be joking, I could barely walk in a straight line. At least this evening I feel as though I could actually do something ... I said feel like, not going to ... it's too hot and am still feeling a bit lazy, less lazy but still lazy!

Had another lemon in hot water before bed am really enjoying those and we have a million lemons on the tree so it's worth using them up. I haven't had a cup of tea in days now. Slightly miss them but not too badly as I only drink one or two a day, mostly when the Man About House offers to make me one. I am a useless tea maker and don't get me started on coffee, it's revolting and if I make you one, I apologise in advance as I am not actually sure how bad they are supposed to taste.

Would I do another detox??? ... well surprisingly yes I would. Next time I will be much more careful though. I will slowly ease into it leading up to the actual week. I think going from a normal western diet (read bad processed stuff!) straight into detoxing was too much for my system to cope with but I am sure I eliminated a pile of yukkies (that's the technical term I believe). Did I mention my skin actually broke out like a teenager with acne! Very sudden and severe around the chin. I am looking forward to weighing myself tomorrow to see if my poor attempt made any difference at all ... that will be interesting!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 1 of my detox ...

OK I finally dragged my sorry butt out of bed after a horrible night. I had forgotten how hard it is to sleep through these warm humid nights. Wondering what the heck I was thinking taking this detox on. Thank goodness for my detox buddy or I think I would wimp out!

9am - Just had my hot water with lemon juice. I should of added ginger but I have found that ginger doesn't sit too well with my belly. I only add it to juices at the moment and will work my way up to having it more often. Misses 9 and 11 asked what was for their cooked breakfast (it's our weekend thing) ... I was a bit snippety and told them they could make their own damn breakfast this morning. Really should explain what dieting or detoxing does to their mama's generally docile nature so they understand what's happening over the next couple of days!

10am - Finally had my first green juice; got to say it was as awful as I feared it would be. You people who enjoy green juice are FREAKS!

11.30am - My tummy is grumbling something awful and I feel really awful. My breath has that yukky smell that you get when you haven't eaten. Feeling totally sexy ... NOT! Will go have a nice herbal tea ... is there such a thing ... of course there is, anything has got to be better than that crap green juice!

Had the tea and yes I do feel better so that's good.

1.30pm - Had my green salad for lunch (pictured above). It wasn't too bad actually. I don't like apple cider vinegar but the dressing turned out rather nice. That was a bit of surprise! It was hard making salads for everyone else that included some capsicum, carrot, etc that I couldn't have. Am managing to keep up my water - it's a hot day so pretty easy to throw it down. I also put it in a 1.5ltr coke bottle (I know the irony!) that only I am using so I know how much water I am getting through. Have the slightest of headaches; more like my head is a little foggy. Feel like a nanna nap actually. Where's that energy???? Or is that after the yukky toxins are eliminated from my meat and dairy ridden body?

Just asked Miss skinny 11 to please eat her chocolate plum bits elsewhere ... she cracked up laughing and said I'm sorry and to her credit did disappear.

Miss 9 asked if I could break her Christmas chocolate bar up for her ... seriously??? Once that was in my hands it wouldn't be going back to her. Miss 11 kindly offered to do it for her.

4pm started making my soup for dinner. Starting to feel hungy and need to have it handy in case I go crazy and eat something else instead.

5.30pm - I am desperately, desperately hungy. Feeling very faint and shaky. Am having my soup now! Right, right now!!!!

6pm - Despite the soupbeing a little salty tasting it was rather nice ... I still felt like utter rubbish though. I was laying on the couch feeling very, very dizzy, with the sweats and shakes, so I bit the bullet and had the kids make me a slice of toast with some natural 100% peanut butter. After 2 slices started to feel slightly better.

6.30pm - Am up and about now. I had no idea I'd feel like this detoxing. I thought I'd feel hungry but that wasn't it so much. Next time I'll be more prepared I think and I might get my sugar levels checked again. I will continue with the detox tomorrow. I suppose if I can detox as much as I can that's better than nothing. I am not sure if it means that I am really toxic to have such a reaction (the other half thinks this is the case cheeky sod) or if this is just normal and I wimped out. I do know that even though I don't feel totally better yet I do feel as though if I hadn't of had that toast I would have flaked out by now!

Positive outcome the kids and his nibs also had the soup and quite enjoyed it and they had salads for lunch too. So a pretty good healthy day here all round.